
Smile, not for the sake of it, but for the rejuvenation of the inherited charisma and charm in you. Smile, for it's the most divine form of flattery one can attain. Smile, for what can define courage shouldn't be refrained from being adapted. Smile, for the best curve in you strives to witness the world's fascination enthral towards itself with utmost mesmerism. Smile, for what's the most lethal weapon to conquer hearts shouldn't  be abstained from being fired.

A smile which apprises the world that she's not someone who'll give-up, in fact she's the one who's born to rule,  the queen of her own ideology and mindset - that smile it should be.
A smile which informs the world that he's not someone who's bounded by mere worldly limitations, but he's the one with every bit of liberty a soul deserves, the king of his own will and actions - that smile it should be.
Smile, for you're born to do so, forever.


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